Frequently asked question

Do you have questions and are you looking for answers? If you have any questions that are not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Why are you better than standard investment funds?

We don’t usually have entry, exit or administration fees. You pay us a profit sharing fee only. We are directly motivated to make your investment profitable, otherwise we will not receive a profit sharing fee. The investment portfolio can be set according to your needs. We don’t have to pay expensive company management or send profits to shareholders.

What is the difference between you and your competition?

Our trading systems are based on using the artificial intelligence. We eliminate the risk while mantaing interesting profitability. We cooperate with Machia Artis AG, company situated in Switzerland

Our portfolio manager is the member of Board and owns an equity stake in Machia Artis AG.

How is my investment influenced current economical and political situation?

Every situation will test wheather your investment is able to make a profit not only in the times of boom, but also in the times of turmoil. Every situation can be taken as an opportunity. Opportunities are there to earn money.

I am afraid of losing money..

We consider all potential risks very carefully. Our trading systems are based on systematic risk management.

I don’t have time to analyze investment opportunities.

In that case, this project is intended directly for you. Your time needs to be reserved especially for the first meeting, where your ideas and possibilities will be discussed. If you connect to an investment strategy, investing will be time-saving for you. One of the goals of our project is to make investments accessible to clients who want to invest but are busy at work or in business and cannot afford to monitor the financial market every day.

Is my money safe?

If you invest in one of our investment strategies, your financial resources will be deposited by the broker in your account.

What is your experience?

Our portfolio manager has a certificate of financial services for all investment instruments under the Capital Market Business Act. The certificate was issued by the European Association of Financial Planning in the Czech Republic and is valid in all EU countries.

What is the min. amount of investment?

We recommend to our clients to invest at least 5 K EUR for better investment diversification. If you want to invest regularly on a monthly basis, it can be even lower.

What is the liquidity of my investments?

If you need to withdraw your financial investment, you will receive the money within one week at the latest.

Schedule a call

Don't you want to wait? Call us.

We are available to you every weekday from 8:00 - 17:00.

Meeting request

Don't you want to wait? Call us.

We are available to you every weekday from 8:00 - 17:00.